
說到 合作, 用到的英文翻譯不外乎就是這三個字, 而這三個單字在英漢字典中的釋義也多以合作、協作來解釋, 其實很難看出區別。但無論是在職場上伸張teamwork價值時, 書信中提及不同程度的合作邀請時, 或是新聞標題在強調合作的關係與程度時, 對於這三個字的使用會更加講究。

首先, 我們可以先來看看dictionary.com 對於這三個單字的定義:

Collaboration (n.) something created by working jointly with another or others.

Cooperation (n.) an act or instance of working or acting together for a common purpose or benefit; joint action.

Coordination (n.) the act or state of coordinating or of being coordinated (of the same order or degree; equal in rank or importance.)

英文好養分Engredients Facebook粉絲專頁: www.fb.com/engredients


以合作的積極程度來說, collaboration是最為深入及投入的合作模式, 透過不斷的妥協, 想法的磨合, 而創造出新的價值或是新的解決方案, 以達到”a greater good”的合作模式。領導學專欄作家Jesse Lyn Stoner對於Collaboration的定義如下:

Collaboration is working together to create something new in support of a shared vision. The key points are that it is not through individual effort, something new is created, and that the glue is the shared vision.

Collaboration 所意旨的合作, 強調的並非每個個體在合作過程當中的付出占比, 而是更著重於新價值的共造, 且合作關係的建立來自於共同願景的支持。


TWICE and Kakao Friends to launch collaboration goods.
TWICE並非只是代言Kakao的產品, 而是將TWICE “always together” 的理念置入於產品設計中, 而共同推出的全新設計。

Human + Machine Collaboration: Work in the Age of Artificial Intelligence.
如果這裡選用”cooperate”, 則會像是其中一方配合一方的合作, 可能是AI配合人類或是人類配合AI (但這就代表AI已經可以掌控人類了而人類只能乖乖配合)

CATL and VWCO Collaborate to Speed up Global Commercial Vehicle Electrification.
CATL在此次的戰略合作中, 不僅只是提供既有的強勢配件, 更是為VWCO提供電池開發、製造、回收與梯次利用在內的全生命週期電池解決方案。

說到Cooperation, 最常見的就是信中或是公共場所廣播的那句: Thank you for your cooperation (感謝您的配合)。 就定義上來說, cooperation的合作偏向於達到彼此互利的合作項目, 亦或相互配合下達成目標。目標可能是共同完成的目標, 或是協作完成新目標, 但出發點來自於完成各自本身的目標為主。

Jesse Lyn Stoner對於Cooperation的定義如下:

Cooperation is important in networks where individuals exchange relevant information and resources in support of each other’s goals, rather than a shared goal. Something new may be achieved as a result, but it arises from the individual, not from a collective team effort.

另外, Lynn PowerHuffpost對於cooperation的解釋為:

Cooperation is accomplished by the division of labor among participants as an activity where each person is responsible for solving a portion of the problem.

”cooperation”的合作相對於”collaboration”, 更是一種以既有資源相互交換, 而讓每個人或單位能從中得利的結果。


Trump Says 'Unsure' if He'll Cooperate with Congress on impeachment.

Angels employee says cooperating with feds is 'right thing to do'.
洛杉磯天使隊員工表示, 配合聯邦調查局針對球員用藥一事是正確的做法

Effective Media Cooperation Could Boost Russia-African Business.
(針對這裡所提到的「合作」, 新聞內文提到的內容更像是兩國資訊透過媒體的交流。)

最後, 我們來聊聊coordination :

在公司職稱當中, 有時會看到像是Office Coordinator, Administrative Coordinators, Project Coordinators等等不同程度的協調專員, 而在字典的定義當中, 也提到像是平行而非上下級的運作, 例如在一間公司裡有不同部門, 各自負責自己部門的職責, 但也因為各自負責的項目都和其他部門脣齒相依(人事, 財務, 銷售…), 因此和其他部門共同運營著公司, 是一個正式且長期的關係, 但和上述提及的合作就明顯有所不同了。

Jesse Lyn Stoner對於Coordination的定義如下:

Coordination is sharing information and resources so that each party can accomplish their part in support of a mutual objective. It is about teamwork in implementation. Not creating something new.

另外, 作者Surbhi Skeydifferences.com專欄比較coordinationcooperation, 提到的關鍵之一如下:

Coordination is a fundamental activity of management; that helps in attaining harmony in action among various interdependent activities and departments of the organization. On the contrary, cooperation depends on the will of any person, i.e. to work with or help someone voluntarily, for accomplishing common objectives.

相較於cooperation, coordination 是一個建立在管理基礎上存在的合作關係, 沒有所謂的需要合作意願或是創造新的利益的關係。


The U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) says the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) should enhance coordination between local and federal officials to fully restore the grid in Puerto Rico.
美國政府責任屬(GAO)表示聯邦緊急事務管理署(FEMA) 應提升波多黎各當地政府與聯邦政府對於電網重建的合作。

由於這樣的合作本就出於行政職級上存在的關係, 並非一班異業結盟或是為了新項目才產生的合作關係。

點我閱讀【線上英文聚會】English Couch 英語沙發-精緻聚會,實現你對「輕鬆學習」的想像!
English couch-PCi.jpg
點我閱讀【台北英文口說聚會】What is “ENG-English Networking Group”? 一探究竟神秘的英文口說交流團



想在更深入了解三者差異, 可以再詳閱以下幾個資料來源網站:

Let’s Stop Confusing Cooperation and Teamwork with Collaboration, Jesse Lyn Stoner

Collaboration vs. Cooperation. There Is a Difference, Lynn Power

Difference Between Coordination and Cooperation



TWICE and Kakao Friends to launch collaboration goods. https://www.allkpop.com/article/2019/10/twice-and-kakao-friends-to-launch-collaboration-goods

Human + Machine Collaboration: Work in the Age of Artificial Intelligence.

CATL and VWCO Collaborate to Speed up Global Commercial Vehicle Electrification.

Trump Says 'Unsure' if He'll Cooperate with Congress on impeachment.

Angels employee says cooperating with feds is 'right thing to do'.

Effective Media Cooperation Could Boost Russia-African Business.

GAO says FEMA needs to better coordinate grid recovery efforts in Puerto Rico


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